4. C. Project’s Goals 31/05/2019 Bachofner Consulting, 8330 Pfäffikon ZH, +41 52 536 41 09, www.bacons.ch 4 1. We will take care of ~ 1’000 family or individuals’ with daily plastics intake, in order to run facilities at full scale. 2. Pickers will get ~ 0.10€ per kg for them to be able to have a minimum for living needs. 3. Our work force will be around 60 people with reasonable minimum salary. 4. We shall produce ~ 1,4 million litres of Diesel, to be sold next to the plant. 5. ~ 4’500 tons of PET granulates will be generated and exported yearly. 6. Dets will have to be paid back from beneficial margins. 7. Entire Blue and Circular Economy. No waste at all, no emanation, water use will be regenerated, no spillage. Ashes will be fixed with cement to produce ecological construction bricks.....
1. 01/07/2019 Bachofner Consulting, 8330 Pfäffikon ZH, +41 52 536 41 09, www.bacons.ch 1 Plastics + PET Project of Recycling and Valorisation in Morocco Recycling Casablanca A. Summary B. Interest of involved parties and connections C. Project's Goals D. Who are we? What shall we provide and DO? E. Time schedule F. Investments / Involvements G. Pay back schemes
2. A. Summary 31/05/2019 Bachofner Consulting, 8330 Pfäffikon ZH, +41 52 536 41 09, www.bacons.ch 2 Plastic pollution is an endemic problem in Morocco. Various landfills and waste deposits can be seen around the cities. Many people are using those spots to try to get “valuable” items out of them, and somehow make some money to survive. Our unheard - of and innovating project is to bring a new income and respectability to people that will be working with us, helping environment by getting rid of waste plastics all around. We shall pay them to collect plastics and bring them to the valorisation and recycling plant. Plastics will be sorted and paid for right on the spot. Anybody would be able to bring plastics to the plant, no special skills required. On the other hand, approximately, 60 people will be hired by the plant in order to receive, sort and segregate all incoming plastics based on two shifts per day. Plastic waste will end up in 3 different categories, respectively: PET, PVC, and Polyolefins Polyolefins plastics will be transformed by Pyrolysis Technology into Diesel EN590 grade, and would be sold as Diesel or heating oil through a special “gas station” next to the plant. PET plastics will be transformed into recycled fluff to be sold back into the market and PVC will be sold as is. PET fluff will be sold back at an international market value of ~ 900€ per ton. Incomes will enable us to be profit full with an expected 1 st year net of 200’000€, and ~600’000€ next years on. All investments will be paid back within 7 years. More to that, since we replace petroleum products on a 1:1 basis, CO2 emissions/credit will be decreased by ~ 11’700 Tons per year.
3. B. Interest of involved parties and connections 31/05/2019 Bachofner Consulting, 8330 Pfäffikon ZH, +41 52 536 41 09, www.bacons.ch 3 Nr. Wo? What are they looking for? Our interest 1 Subcontrac tors High price for their involvement, no price fluctuation, good benefits on a long term High quality and pure products in PET and plastics, no waste of time. 2 Public authorities Respect from one another, bring expected informaion in time, fast paymenmts for permits, licences and taxes Having free and fast access to potential building ground, easy contacts with knowledgeable authorities, willingness of result from each other 3 Employees Good wages, long term work cpnditioons with advatages Faithfull employees, no theef, no favoritism, healthy workers 4 Lenders Fast rentability o the project, payment in full without delays, regular business information. Fast and secured pay back, knowledge of financial constrain and conditions, secured monetary transactions 5 Buyers Constant High quality products, affordable prices, no contaminants. Fast and secured payments, regular clients, mutual business satisfaction. 6 Nabors Been able to find a job on on site, no trouble, no smell Having involved Nabors, no theft, employ some as security guards ec.
5. D. Who are we? What shall we provide and DO? 01/07/2019 Bachofner Consulting, 8330 Pfäffikon ZH, +41 52 536 41 09, www.bacons.ch 5 Our financing system Saleable and exportable products Our recycling system Pay back scheme Jürg Bachofner , Pfäffikon ZH, Suisse, Agronomist, 9 years of evaluation concept’s experience, Plastic recycling, sustainability, project management IPMA, and climate protection. President HIBO Group Inc. Project manager, member of running company. Pascal - Jean Bernhard , La Neuveville BE, Suisse, Sales and Technology, 10 years experience in energy recovery. Waste to energy technology and municipal waste, water purification and water savings. President Bernhard Promo Marketing. Pierre - Benoit Huck, Alsace, France. Since 15 years in Morocco. Engineer, experience in waste recycling, food waste, medical waste and biogas. Project member and executive manager, business partner, member of running company in Casablanca. Reasons of success Running company HIBO Group SA Bernhard Promo Marketing Other partners Intake and sorting station Plastic and PET Pyrolysis Plastic valuation 300kg/h unit EN590 Diesel tank PET silo’s granules Offices + app buiding PET Recycling 1000kg/h unit
6. E. Time schedul 31/05/2019 6 Commissioning 13 - 16 MT after financing Reception PET+Plastics PET Process Regranul . Building, fences, land valorisation 3MT Machinery’s Erection and install. + commissioning Supply contract Employee Training Licences and permits, ground allocated 5MT Construction order placed Land devlpt , water etc. Personal Research, Entrepreneur Account financing 5MT Ordering all technologies Permits, licences , building space Project Approval START 3MT Detailed project , contracts Company registration Pre - project, financing , preliminary services 3MT Description of project Business case Construction’s program Diesel, Naphtha , Kerosene , Gaz Sales Planification’s Duration: 8 month; build - up 13 month.
7. F. Investments / Involvements 01/07/2019 Bachofner Consulting, 8330 Pfäffikon ZH, +41 52 536 41 09, www.bacons.ch 7 1. Total financing 6 Mio € 2. Project is 90% financed by HIBO Group S.A. and his partners (month 5). 3. Investment or loan of 5 - 600K € (10 % of project’s volume) duration 2 years, interest according to convenience. 4. Financial guaranties from HIBO Group S.A. and financial partners for 90% of total financial volume (month 0) 5. If required: guaranty of returns of 96% of 5 - 600K € investment in case of non financing issue through insurance's fund. NB: all numbers are estimations, to be confirmed through feasibility study. Space N° Description Components Cost 1 Recycling Intake space for plastics, PET, PVC, etc 150’000.00 € center Schredders, compactors, weighers, etc 300’000.00 € Recycling and granulating PET line 800’000.00 € Pyrolysis technology 300kg/hour 750’000.00 € Building for stock , sorting etc. fences and solar panels 450’000.00 € Workshop for bricks manufacturing, Ashes' stock 100’000.00 € Running capital 6 month 424’800.00 € Total 2’974’800.00 € 2’974’800.00 € Space N° Description Components Cost 2 Stock Diesel EN 590 Purification group 200’000.00 € Diesel's Tanks 400’000.00 € Silo PET's granulates' stock 300’000.00 € Office building, appartments 300’000.00 € Land cost 300’000.00 € Total 1’500’000.00 € 1’500’000.00 € 4’474’800.00 € Feasibility study 350’000.00 € Unexpected cost 1’175’200.00 € Total financing need 6’000’000.00 €
8. G. Pay back schemes 31/05/2019 Bachofner Consulting, 8330 Pfäffikon ZH, +41 52 536 41 09, www.bacons.ch 8 Results’ account Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 € €/kg € €/kg € € € € € Yearly production in % 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Diesel yearly production in Lt. 699’511 1’399’021 1’399’021 1’399’021 1’399’021 1’399’021 1’399’021 Diesel Yield EUR/y 340’421 0.49 680’842 0.49 680’842 680’842 680’842 680’842 680’842 PET Yield EUR/y 1’654’733 0.70 3’309’466 0.70 3’309’466 3’309’466 3’309’466 3’309’466 3’309’466 Total Yield 1’995’154 3’990’308 3’990’308 3’990’308 3’990’308 3’990’308 3’990’308 Plastic’s bying cost - 69’951 - 0.10 - 139’902 - 0.10 - 139’902 - 139’902 - 139’902 - 139’902 - 139’902 PET’s bying cost - 236’390 - 0.10 - 472’781 - 0.10 - 472’781 - 472’781 - 472’781 - 472’781 - 472’781 Gros Yield 1 1’688’813 3’377’625 3’377’625 3’377’625 3’377’625 3’377’625 3’377’625 Personal Cost - 144’000 - 0.21 - 288’000 - 0.21 - 288’000 - 288’000 - 288’000 - 288’000 - 288’000 Energy Cost - 72’000 - 0.05 - 144’000 0.05 - 144’000 - 144’000 - 144’000 - 144’000 - 144’000 Diesel purification Cost - 36’000 - 0.02 - 72’000 0.02 - 72’000 - 72’000 - 72’000 - 72’000 - 72’000 Gros Yield 2 1’436’813 2’873’625 2’873’625 2’873’625 2’873’625 2’873’625 2’873’625 Total other cost - 753’171 - 806’341 - 706’341 - 606’341 - 606’341 - 606’341 - 606’341 Operational result (EBIT) 649’460 1’963’919 2’058’919 2’153’919 2’153’919 2’153’919 2’153’919 capital interest 4% - 240’000 - 240’000 - 240’000 - 240’000 - 240’000 - 240’000 - 240’000 Pay back 0 - 1000000 - 1000000 - 1000000 - 1000000 - 1000000 - 1000000 Profit before tax 409’460 723’919 818’919 913’919 913’919 913’919 913’919 Company tax (30%) - 122’838 - 217’176 - 245’676 - 274’176 - 274’176 - 274’176 - 274’176 Profit after tax 286’622 506’744 573’244 639’744 639’744 639’744 639’744 Net profit 286’622 506’744 573’244 639’744 639’744 639’744 639’744 Cash Flow 286’622 506’744 573’244 639’744 639’744 639’744 639’744 Cummulated Cash Flow 286’622 793’365 1’366’609 2’006’353 2’646’096 3’285’840 3’925’583